By Mike Johnson
Chasing aliens, flat earth, and the killers of JFK is fascinating research.
But how does that add value to your everyday life?
Once you realize the world is NOT as it’s publicly presented, you look in better, opposite directions for ways to achieve your biggest desires.
For example, jobs are the worst way to earn income.
They require slavery to a schedule, provide the smallest income, highest tax rates, and force you to perpetually leave the people you love the most.
Yet, school, parents, authority, college and financial “experts” all push jobs and saving as the best way to build financial security.
If you gained discernment from studying your favorite rabbit holes, you laugh at the audacity of American’s largest institutions cavalierly leading tens of millions astray.
You watch all those ants marching along the daily sugar trail of slavery, and just shake your head.
Discernment quickly reveals everything as a giant lie.
A giant lie that you can easily refuse.
Lies like:
Covid shots are safe and effective.
Masks stop viruses.
Saving money (that is melting in value by 12% per year) is the smart path to financial freedom.
Trust the experts and authority, they know best.
Taxes are the price we pay for a peaceful society.
Kids need those 70 vaccinations to protect their “health.”
College is a good investment that always pays off.
Military service is patriotic.
All of these lies will injure, kill, frustrate or impoverish you.
Yet the mediocre mass of men continues to march off obeying them.
Discernment is only gained by perspective.
You have to grasp how the world really operates under the lies.
Once you gain clarity about one big lie, your perspective grows enough to detect the rest.
Now you make better personal decisions for yourself and family.
Claiming your rightful place as hare to the throne, starts by studying one big rabbit hole.
Stuck in a Job? Become the Bosses Rabbit
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