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By Mike Johnson

The fun of age is that you have the perspective to see right through bullshit.
It doesn’t even take any effort.
The world becomes very obvious with just a glance.

The devil's cabal works around the clock to divide us, so we fight among ourselves instead of focusing on the devils.

Biden is batshit senile.
He was installed by the global cabal which fabricated tens of millions of fraudulent ballots.

Russia is not our enemy. Israel is not our ally.
There is no rational reason for war, anywhere.

Unvetted USA borders are purposeful sabotage by USA "leaders."

There is no climate crisis.
Just an enormous lie to micro-manage control and generate more taxes.

Mainstream media, "education," “leaders” and “experts” massively lie and omit 24/7/365.

All pandemics and all injections are purposely created depopulation events.

Direct taxes are unlawful, unconstitutional theft.

Pervasive racism is a total lie even though 60% of all violent crime, robbery and murder is performed by black males (per FBI), mostly in democrat-run cities.
It’s a credit to whites and cops that they refrain from wiping obvious pattern recognition on the entire race.

Per God, there are only two genders.
Media brainwashing, liberal teachers and excessive, poisonous vaccines have created widespread gender confusion.

Democrats are the worst of humanity. They are either ignorant, intellectually lazy, moochers, looters, brainwashed or communists.
They own the media, education systems and authority so their bullshit beliefs echo back to them, keeping them trapped.

Republicans make better, more-productive citizens, but are still fooled by media and authority brainwashing.
Most are too cowardly to speak out against the bullshit or stop the democrat destruction.

Affiliating with either party just reveals that you’re a mental midget.

Most everything you’ve ever been taught is an outright lie.
Huge lies.

The deepest truths are found in the US Constitution and the bible.
Few read either.
Nobody enforces either.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” – Hosea 4:6

All major earth systems are run by devils.
The top “leaders” are murderers, pedophiles, drug addicts, thieves, soulless and evil.

The higher their position, the more likely they are soulless devils.

But everyone with a God-created soul is redeemable.

Like YOU.

Fixate on that.

Everything else is just bullshit trying to distract you from righteousness and God.

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The Knowledge Scale

Biden's Demise Reveals Criminals' Lies

Christ vs the Devil


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