Biden's Demise Reveals Criminal's Lies

Freely used Internet meme

By Mike Johnson

Although it's delicious karma to watch mainstream media feed on the persona of Joe Biden like a buzzard on roadkill, this was obviously a set-up to get rid of the guy.

His handlers knew his true condition and sent him into that debate on purpose to destroy him.

Biden was never in charge of anything.
There is a cabal of unelected criminals behind him, pulling his strings like a marionette.
They needed a front man to make the purposeful sabotage of America look like incompetence.
Now that enough Americans see the man is brain dead, they can’t fool the world with another stolen election, so are dumping him for someone else.

Let us review the crimes of these handlers.

They stole the election to install a proven pedophile, proven bribe-taker, proven plagiarist, proven liar and unpopular political hack.
They knew his true criminal past and dementia condition and hid it from citizens.
They issued orders and rules without lawful authority.
They unconstitutionally mandated masks and bioweapon injections to our military and millions of others.
They killed people in foreign lands and fomented wars with no lawful authority.
They opened America's borders, allowing millions of military-aged men and degenerates to invade and overwhelm our cities.
They stole the use of public assets and used them for their own gain.
They kidnapped the US Presidency, kidnapped Joe Biden, kept him on drugs and forced him to do their bidding.

Everyone involved in this sham is guilty of treason, which carries the death penalty.

Biden was the cabal’s puppet.
Which means “our government” was stolen by criminals.
“Joe Biden” was just a front to hide the criminals pulling the strings.
The cabal-owned media covered this up with massive, relentless lies (see link of montage below).

The good news is that fraud negates everything.
The legal term is “fraud vitiates everything.”

Now that the fraud is exposed, everything Joe Biden signed, ordered or implemented is null and void.
The executive branch of the federal government is null and void and has no lawful power.
There is no law forcing us to obey criminals.

It's not a big leap to surmise that the same is true about the legislative and judicial branches of the federal government.
There is ample proof they too, have been captured by the criminal cabal and are being used as front people to maintain the illusion that we elect our own leaders.

The top positions of the federal government have been stolen from legitimate leaders and replaced by an organized criminal cabal.

Because America is established as self-government, and our elected leaders work for us, and legitimate leadership has been compromised, citizens need not obey any federal rules, orders, decrees or taxes.
All of it is null and void and has no lawful power.

All they have now is brute force.
All they have now are unaware enforcers who might still obey unlawful orders.
All they have now are a shrinking number of citizens too ignorant and brainwashed to realize the truth.

Any enforcer who enforces unlawful orders under color of law is guilty of a crime themselves.

It gets worse.
Your state leaders are in on it too.
Governors certainly know what’s going on but do nothing to stop it.
State legislators have the lawful constitutional authority to nullify any and all unconstitutional federal actions, but rarely do.

This leaves it up to We The People.
We OWN the governments.
We can lawfully stop complying to any or all of it.
Peaceful non-compliance is our most powerful and lawful defense against criminals.

If they come after us with force, we can lawfully defend ourselves from criminals.
We do not need leaders, courts or judges to define who is a criminal.
If they attack us, using bogus leaders and bogus laws, they are criminals.
We have the God-given right of self-defense.

Educated enforcers will refuse unlawful orders that originate from criminals.

Ignorant enforcers will obey and stain their souls like Nazi SS agents.
They’ll have to face God and his judgement over their actions.

The criminals who have overthrown our government have just lost.
They just don’t know it yet.

Their public destruction of their puppet Joe Biden proves their criminal behavior.
Biden hasn't been physically and mentally fit for years.
They knew this yet kept him in place.
They are willing to purposely destroy the United States to keep their power.

Their fraud, vitiates everything.

They are nothing, posing as something, unlawfully operating under the color of law.

It's over.
They're exposed.
We're all lawfully free from their tyranny.
We out-number them and their enforcers by 10,000 to one.

Do the right thing.
Peacefully do not comply.
Peacefully, lawfully, starve the beast.
Peacefully demand your local and state leaders take action against the criminals.

Hold your ground until we get this republic back within the chains of integrity and its constitutional limits.

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Ramifications of the Debate

Most Enforcers Should Immediately Quit

Personally Liable

Election Fraud is Real

Feed Yourself, Starve the Beast

Montage of Media Lying About Biden Competency Just 12 Days Before Debate

Ronald Reagan: "We The People Tell the Government What to Do, It Doesn't Tell Us"

Funny Parody: Ask Your Doctor if Abrain is Right for You


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