Groomed For Slavery

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By Mike Johnson

Have you noticed?
They’ve made it “normal” to trade your prime, daylight hours toiling to buy your survival.
All the while making you believe this is your free-will choice.

They started grooming you in kindergarten.
They scheduled your “education” during your best, prime, daylight hours of 7-3 or 8-4.
This continued for 13 years!

Now it seemed "normal" to maintain this prime-time theft at a job until age 65.
Afterall, everyone else was doing it.
Your parents. Your friends. Every stranger on the street.

They purposely groomed you for slavery and they groomed you good.

Who is “they?”

The devil’s cabal that runs the largest earth systems.
They consist of about 300 families who own the central banks.
Over centuries, like parasites, they’ve eaten their way to the top of the financial food chain in each country.

By gaining the power to create money from thin air, they bribe, blackmail, threaten, murder and enslave individual leaders to obey their orders.
They foment wars, then gain massive riches by funding both sides.
This “funding” becomes massive debt to each country, tightening the cabal’s control.

This criminal shakedown then moves through all aspects of society – ruthlessly controlling an army of individual leaders using the same infinite spigot of free money.
Now they control media, education, elections, corporations, militaries, finance, justice, enforcers, medical, science, climate and anything else needed to tighten control.
Free money can be directed to bribe, or directed to assassins to kill anyone in their way.

The organized criminal cabal meters and prices basic human needs like food, shelter, utilities and gasoline, controlling every citizen from afar.
Cabal-owned education curriculums taught us to trade our time for money to keep ourselves alive.
They taught us the best way to earn money is to hold one of their jobs.
They taught us the best way to get one of their jobs is to borrow tens of thousands to pay their college indoctrination centers for a "credential."

Conveniently for the cabal, when you get their job, their wages barely exceed the cost of your survival.
Their corporations pocket the difference between what your work is really worth and the smidgeon they pay.
Then their “taxes” skim off another big chunk, leaving you with just enough crumbs to have to do it again tomorrow.

This is far different than the equal share of the world God gifted you.
Far different than the worldwide sovereignty he granted you.
Far different than Mathew 6:26: “Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them.
Are not ye of much more value than they?”

God’s world did not include jobs.
Did not include slavery to the devil’s cabal.
Did not include trading priceless time and energy for worth-less currency created out of thin air.

God’s world is clearly the better system.
Per the big guy himself, it’s very simple.
“Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all else will follow."

While you’re seeking that, there are better ways to earn income besides the slavery of jobs.
Better, moral ways that earn far more money, in far less time.

Both God’s kingdom, and man’s better income workarounds, require study.
Study that's outside the information provided by the devil’s cabal.

Once annoyed enough to change your circumstances, the first step is to make your desire a study.
The shortest path is to study people who have already achieved what you desire.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate achiever.

Now you see the big picture.

Now you see the devil's chains.

Now you see there are ways to escape the devil's slavery.

You're likely a bit angry.

But don’t hit your jailers.

Hit the books.

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