Vote With Your Actions

Meme freely shared on Internet

By Mike Johnson

“Our” government, isn’t our government at all.
Through corruption, inaction and ignorance, “our elected leaders” allow vote fraud to occur.
Just one fraudulent vote negates your vote, making our self-government illegitimate to YOU.

Many studies have revealed there are MILLIONS of fraudulent votes in every American election cycle.

Dead people vote.
People who have left the county or state vote.
Non-US citizens vote.
Hundreds of “artificial people” registered to the same non-residential address vote.
Falsified mail-in and drop-box votes are created by the thousands and run through tabulators multiple times.
Fake, completed ballots are printed out of thin air, delivered by truckload in the middle of the night and counted.
Mail-in ballots from conservative districts are discarded by rogue USPS employees -- operating within a union that endorses the most liberal candidates.
Electronic voting machines and tabulators are programmed or hacked to flip millions of votes, negate votes, or add and subtract votes.

So today’s government – at every level – is just a collection of people claiming positions they have acquired through fraud.
Due to vote fraud – even if they did not knowingly engage in it -- they are nothing, pretending they are something.
Fraud vitiates everything.

In America, we self-govern.
Citizens are superior to government.
Government is our employee, our representative, our minion.

Due to elected leaders’ cavalier enabling of vote fraud, they are ALL illegitimate.
Until they eliminate every fraudulent vote, you are lawfully free of any and all of their demands, laws and taxes.
Federal, state and local.

You can peacefully, lawfully refuse to comply with any of it.
We out-number them and their enforcers 10,000 to one.

If your local candidate is not loudly demanding the tightest possible vote security, they are part of the problem and do not deserve election.

The trouble is, they control the voting apparatus so can issue their tainted results and claim the positions anyway.
So we have to stop accepting their fraudulent results.
Right now. In 2024.

The only peaceful way to do this is to refuse to comply en masse.
Lawfully, peacefully, do not comply.
With anything.
If you’re a government worker or enforcer abandon your job.
If you're a citizen, challenge leaders at every opportunity.
Starve the beast of money, workforce and compliance until they fix the fraud.

Change starts at the local level.
We need local leaders to bark at county and state leaders to nullify federal leaders until the fraud stops.

The federal contract created by states, that created a federal government, only granted the feds 17 authorities.
They’ve unlawfully taken hundreds.
They've not only stolen authority, now they steal our vote.
Read the US and state constitutions yourself.
You’ll immediately see that state leaders can lawfully NULLIFY any and all unconstitutional federal actions, including vote fraud.

Read the Declaration of Independence.
It'll give you clarity about who is the boss.

Citizens are the boss.
WE are government's boss.
They must comply to US.
That so few citizens realize this, is how criminal government leaders get away with every single shenanigan they pull on us today.

Frankly, once criminals control the voting apparatus -- as they do now -- it's impossible to vote them out.
They won't give up power on their own.

So our choices are:
1) Accept tyranny.
2) Peacefully refuse to comply en masse.
3) Civil war.

I choose #2 because it avoids violence and destruction.
I believe they want #3 because it allows them to openly destroy whomever and whatever they want.
After enough violence, they believe we'll willingly accept #1.

So logically, rationally, and effectively, our only choice is to vote by our actions.

Go ahead and submit your ballot.

But PEACEFULLY DO NOT COMPLY with illegitimate governments that allow vote fraud.

Just one fradulent vote negates YOUR vote, unlawfully evicting you as a participant in self-government.

The legal term is "fraud vitiates everything."
Anything that follows fraud is null and void, holding no lawful power of enforcement.
This lawfully frees you from all compliance.
Anyone enforcing the unlawful, under color of law, is guilty of a crime themselves.


It's way past time to loudly remind them.

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Election Fraud is Real & Enormous

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USPS Now Enabling Vote Fraud


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