A Shot of Clarity

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By Mike Johnson

Once you realize a cabal including LBJ, CIA, FBI, US military and Secret Service killed President Kennedy, you’re slapped with a jolt of reality.

The murder of an American president was an inside job.
The official narrative, still repeated by mainstream media and history books, says otherwise.
Yet, that narrative is a massive, verifiable lie.

This world is not as publicly presented.

I started realizing this at age 12.
I researched outside the mainstream sources.
I was astounded to learn that people in suits, on national TV, can look very authoritative and confident while speaking total and complete nonsense.
I’ve been a contrarian ever since.

Once you’ve seen the equivalent of daddy slapping mommy, you can’t unsee it.

The cabal got away with it.
Which encouraged them to perform many more horrific crimes, blaming each of them on someone or something else.
Backed up by a lying media and education system, both which they own, it’s not difficult to install a false reality about anything.

So they have.

JFK's murder is a neon arrow pointing directly at the cabal that runs the world today.
But 80 percent of the people alive when JFK was murdered, are now dead.
So his murder means less, to more people, every day.
That neon arrow is quickly diminishing to the size of a night light.

But other crimes point their own neon arrows for younger generations.
Oklahoma City.
Trump shooting.

Studying these crimes provides more opportunities to gain clarity about the cabal.
A conspiracy is merely two or more people working together to perform a crime.
So most crimes ARE conspiracies.
The worst crimes over the past sixty years were conspired by the cabal.

The cabal owns your government leaders and its agencies.
It owns your military.
It owns your corporations.
It owns your media.
It owns your healthcare.
It owns your justice system.
It owns the education system that writes the history books and teaches your kids what they "know."

Believing anything they say is like having sex with the men who murdered your husband.

Rather than listening, you should be repulsed.
Protective of everyone you love from ever going near such monsters, let alone believing their words or obeying their commands.

This cabal is openly trying to murder YOU.
By covid.
By bioweapon "vaccines."
By chemtrails.
By poisoned food.
By massive price inflation.
By importing unvetted, third-world savages.
By purposely starting WWIII.

With clarity, comes a vast increase in perception.
A vast change in behavior.
That’s why these devils fear clarity the most.

Once you truly know, you'll realize they have to go.

I say, let’s launch a tsunami of clarity and make them swim for their lives.

This cabal murdered a US president and just tried to murder another one.

If they can kill presidents with impunity, they can certainly murder you.

Is that clear enough for you?

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