Clarity Steamrolls People

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By Mike Johnson

Everyone is an idiot about something.
It’s a big world with infinite topics.
So it’s impossible to know everything about everything.

So you pick your battles.
Save your big efforts for the highest priority topics.

But how do you determine what’s most important?

You never stop listening, searching, learning and evaluating.

Truth is the lamp that lights your path.
ADMITTING truth and searching for truth keeps you advancing.
Defending any existing untruth retards your growth in that topic forever.

Until you gain clarity about a topic, you will make poor decisions regarding that topic.

We see this every day, everywhere.

People wearing masks.
Taking bioweapon injections.
Addictions to drugs.
Living in poverty.
Chronically sick.

All of this pain occurred because the person made bad decisions.
They did not have clarity on the topics that caused the pain.

Saying this does not make me cruel.
I’m just defining the problem so people can stop their pain.

Clarity respects truth first.
Truth rips through the confusion and falsity of people’s actions, beliefs and current situation.
Truth is no respecter of anything false.
Truth exposes idiocy.

Truth annoys most people.
False people are so immaturely ego-based they can’t withstand a clear definition of how and why they failed.
Defending their failure only keeps them trapped in the pain.

The first step to defeating pain is to clearly define what caused it.
YOU caused it.
You have some responsibility in every adversity.
Now study the best ways to overcome it.
Until you gain absolute clarity.

Now you make better decisions.
Which creates better outcomes.
Which leaves more energy and joy to search for more truth and clarity.

Truth leads to clarity.
Clarity steamrolls everything false.
Including confused people, lying leaders, bad decisions and conventional wisdom that doesn't deliver the promised results.

False tells you what you want to hear.
Truth tells you what you NEED to hear.

Clarity may be a steamroller, but clarity is your friend.



The Power of Clarity

Devils Fear Clarity

Where To Start If You Have Nothing


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