66 Days

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By Mike Johnson

We have 66 days until the 2024 election.
Probability is high that our world will look far different then than it does today.
“Far different” meaning far worse.

There’s going to be a massive reset.

The election will not save us.
You cannot vote your way out of the book of Revelation.

The Democrat candidates are obvious idiots, communists and puppets of the deep state devils.
The Republican candidates are obvious puppets too, speaking against the devils but doing nothing to actually stop them.

The plot of this political play pretends that Trump is the persecuted outsider, the hero who will slay the devils.
He will destroy all their scams, negate their power (despite them being the biggest owners of 75% of everything), restore justice and free humanity.
He is the devil’s worst nightmare, yet he lives.

They had him hospitalized with covid -- the perfect opportunity to rub him out -- yet he survived.
He was surrounded by armed Secret Service agents for 8 years – the agency that helped kill JFK -- yet he survived.
They had him exposed on a stage, fired volleys of bullets, yet he survived. (9/15/24: they tried it again!)

Is all of this divine intervention or just play-acting?

All candidates and public officials – owned or not – honest or not – are nowhere near courageous or enlightened enough to defeat the devils.

The devils will do ANYTHING to maintain power.
If the election threatens that, they'll prevent it from happening with raw, unlawful power or violence.
If it only appears to threaten it, it's a great opportunity to launch a calamity that so angers us, we start a civil war.
Devils love chaos because it gets us begging them, for their horrible "solutions."
That’s why the next 66 days are so dangerous.

These deep state devils own and control the main systems on earth and are purposely destroying the world to rebuild it in the devil’s image.
This is all biblical.

Divine intervention is always possible.
The ways of God are unknown to men.

But don’t rely on my information.
Go study yourself.
It’s far more entertaining than drinking beer on the couch.

But studying evil is heavy.

I prefer to focus on the infinite numbers of good things in this realm.
And a I still spend much of my day doing so.

But I arrived wired to be a watchman on the wall.
I must monitor evil because the masses will not.
Most of what the masses “know” is false.
Despite all obvious evidence, it’s virtually impossible to convince a man that he has been deceived.
Especially when the people around him believe the deceptions too.

So a sudden, unexpected, heat-seeking truth enema is headed right for our tailpipe.

So I encourage preparation.

If lucky, it will only be the loss of all our money.
But more likely, it will be loss of utilities, gasoline, food, security and freedom.
Civil war and world war look to be more than 50% likely.
So the chances of injury and death seem quite high too.

Big city people are doomed.
So many, in such tight quarters, they’ll eat themselves alive when the grid goes down.

Democrats are doomed.
They’re totally unprepared, with no discernment skills, full dependency on the system and gullible trust in the devils.

Godless people are doomed.
Without the knowledge of their creator and self, they believe this life is all there is.
For them, perhaps it is.
Hopefully, God’s grace is large enough to bring their soul into eternal life anyway.
But the bible says it isn’t.

The weirdness of this world is that no matter how long you study, no matter what sources you select, nothing is 100% firm.

You can feel God.
You can have faith in God.
You can study his vast creation as proof of his existence.
But how do you fit into his plans?

He tells you in the bible, but the bible has been handled and edited by man.

So it all comes down to discernment and faith.

All we see is what already happened and what already is.
Standing watch on the wall, I can only eyeball trends, trajectories and the speed of approaching evil.
The future is just an educated guess.

Millions have done the research and think like me.
But trusting groupthink -- even the wisest version of it -- is no way to discern truth.
Or predict the future.

So I can be wrong about everything.

I hope I am.

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Trump Will Not Save Us


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UPDATE 9/4/24: From USAWatchdog.com:

"Finally, my confidential election data miner says they have new information on Kamala Harris.
The data mining shows her job approval is bouncing at around 8.5%.
It gets worse as the latest data shows Harris is “unelectable.”
Harris does not win a single demographic.
My source says if the Deep State wants to cheat her in, the cheating is going to be obvious.
The Deep State is desperate NOT to allow Donald Trump into office.
Could they start a war?
Could they crash the financial system?
Could they release a super deadly virus that kills many and locks us down again?
Or, all of the above?
All the signs are in front of your face that we are sliding into chaos.
So, get prepared now."

Update 9/18/24: Kamala At 10%, Deep State Can't Cheat Her In


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