This Explains Everything

Memes freely shared on Internet

By Mike Johnson

Democrats believe mainstream media.

The rest of us don’t.

Where you get your information determines what you believe.
What you believe determines how you act.

If your information is lies and deception, your beliefs and actions are going to be defective.

Hence, democrats are defective.

They gullibly trust the people and organizations that are purposely working to destroy humanity.

Yet, democrats hold the most important levers of power.

Government workers are predominately democrat.
Public schools and colleges are predominately democrat.
“Experts” and “scholars” are predominately democrat.
Mainstream media is predominately democrat.

Until we wake up the intellectually lazy, the cabal will continue creating useful idiots.

This is not merely partisan grousing.
Behind the defective information flow stands the devil.
And “defective” is too nice a word.

"Deadly deception" is much more accurate.

Without democrat support, the devil’s earthly systems of deadly deception will collapse.

If you value truth, you cannot be a democrat.
It still amazes me how democrats are brainwashed into so many insane beliefs.

That bioweapon covid injections are healthy and masks stop covid.
That leaders do not lie, steal, murder or sodomize children.
That abortion isn’t murder.
That mainstream media tells the truth.
That "authority" and “experts” know better than your own discernment.
That gender is whatever we claim it to be.
That bad weather is caused by citizens.
That racism is bad unless it’s directed toward whites.
That information that doesn’t conform to the narrative should be censored.
That open borders are tolerant, compassionate and only saints enter.
That submission to government’s bullshit is virtuous.

That government is superior to citizens.
That it's a force for good.
That it just needs more money and control to fix everything.

Democrats have delegated the contents of their minds to devils.

They just passively accept what they're told, despite the evidence of 24/7/365 bias, omission and lies.
They have no conception of discernment, evil, or defective human nature at all.
Their massive blind spots are enabling the destruction of us all.

Enforcers are predominately democrat too.
They swallow all the deceptive information as well.
They may claim to be conservative but their paycheck comes from the devil-owned governments.
So they go along to get along.

So worse than democrats -- who usually only enable lies and tyranny -- the enforcers are actually the devil’s brute-force henchmen.
The Nazi SS.
Because they too, do not realize their information narratives are all based on lies.
Or if they do, they are too cowardly to tell their bosses "NO!" or quit and find a new career.

Look at that chart above.
This is why the western world is collapsing.
If you still view and trust mainstream media (and authority), YOU are actively assisting the destruction of everyone you love.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” – Hosea 4:6

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