Just One Fraudulent Vote Negates YOUR Vote

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By Mike Johnson

Government doesn’t deserve our obedience because they refuse to provide secure elections.

At best, “government” is lazy, ignorant and incompetent.
At worst, "government" is bribed, blackmailed, evil criminals obeying orders from devils.

In America, we self-govern.
Your vote is your only personal control over that government.
If they take your vote away by fraud, they have stolen your control.
They have evicted you from your lawful participation.

So you are no longer a part of it.
No longer under their “authority.”
No longer obligated to obey their laws, pay their taxes or comply with their orders.

Review the list of links below.
They prove MASSIVE vote fraud.
I’m talking tens of millions of fraudulent votes.
Both in the past and right now.

The criminals who have stolen “elected” positions by past fraud, will never allow an honest election again.

Go ahead and vote.
Perhaps your small county still runs honest elections.

But many of the “counts” across the country will be dishonest.
The federal positions for sure.
The biggest state positions for sure.
Critical local positions for sure.

This is a crime against YOU.
Against EVERY citizen in every county and every state.

Pull the veil from your eyes.
Criminals have overthrown your country.
They will never allow “voting” to remove them from power.

“Those who vote, decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.”
- Joseph Stalin

Since they have stolen your vote, in your own self-government, you have just one peaceful, lawful recourse left.


With ANY of it.

This is not a revolt against the United States system of government.
It is a revolt against the individual criminals who have unlawfully stolen elected positions in that system of government.
Big, lawful difference!

In legal terms, their election fraud vitiates (negates) everything they do and order after the fraud.
All of their unlawful official acts under color of law are null and void.
Anyone in a government position of authority who protects their fraud is also guilty of violating their oath of office, obstruction of justice and misprison of a felony (18 U.S.C. 4)

This is our government, not theirs.

By creating, enabling, ignoring, and/or cowardly, quietly allowing millions of fraudulent ballots, government employees and elected representatives prove that they too are part of the fraud.

Fraudulently-elected officials are the illegitimate criminals posing as "leaders."
They are the ones who illegally negated and stole our votes.
Until ALL elected officials tighten and/or eliminate ALL processes that allow fraudulent votes, and prosecute everyone involved in that fraud, you can lawfully refuse to comply with anything they order.

Just one fraudulent vote negates YOUR vote, nullifying every government leader, freeing you from the fraudulent system.

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