Protect Children

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By Mike Johnson

America’s southern border crisis is much more diabolical than Democrats trying to garner new voters.

There is a lawful process for immigrants to enter our country.
Leaders at the top of the federal government have ordered the process to be ignored.

On its face, allowing unvetted people into the country is an act of treason.

As a former landlord, I know that if I allowed unvetted renters into my trailer park communities, I’d soon have a collection of druggies, domestic abusers, criminals, sex offenders, non-payers and slobs who damage property.
Without my vetting, I’d ruin the community for my already established good tenants.

Which is exactly what the federal government is doing to communities all over America.

They are not just allowing degenerates to enter.
They have hired agencies to COLLECT illegal aliens hundreds of miles below our border, bring them through our border and then fly them throughout the country during the overnight hours and dump them into unprepared communities.

Many of these illegals are military-aged males who bring no other family members.
If you are escaping war, you bring your family.
If you are GOING to war, you leave them home.

Your own federal government is importing armies of illegal alien SOLDIERS that will soon be attacking US citizens from inside our own country.

Your leaders are traitors working directly against us.
As such, it is ridiculous and misguided to obey, fund or enable these leaders in any way.
Why would we help traitors murder our own families?

Enforcers, are you listening?
The orders coming from your bosses are going to get increasingly unlawful and tyrannical.
If you obey these unlawful orders you are no better than Nazi SS Agents.
It is better to lose your job than lose your soul.
If you haven't read the US and state constitutions, and do not have the courage to lawfully tell your boss "NO!," then you should immediately quit your job to save your soul.

Our leaders are also paid by the drug cartels to allow drugs to flow through the border crossings.
Their bribes go to THOUSANDS of public leaders, officials, judges and cops in every state.
The corruption is that enormous.

Now comes the ugly, ugly, difficult-to-believe part.

Confusion and chaos at the border allows the entry of hundreds of thousands of undocumented children.
“Undocumented” means no record of who they are or what happens to them.
The smallest estimate of missing children at the border is 320,000.
It may be in the millions.

The highest officials in your federal government are the largest pedophile, sex-traffickers of children in the world.
The children are sold and traded as sex objects, tortured until death to harvest the highest quality anti-aging drug adrenochrome, and used as human sacrifices for the devil-worshippers who run these rings.

The devil is real and owns the largest systems that operate earth.
The devil's minions own your education system and media, so of course, you're only told what the devils want you to know.
This is why this information may be new to you.
It’s the self-researchers' rabbit hole of rabbit holes.
The proof is out there.

It’s difficult to read.
It's difficult to digest.
It’s difficult to imagine.
It’s difficult to realize that this level of evil exists.
So I won’t be linking directly to any evidence.
It's too dark and repulsive.
I don’t want to shock anyone not ready to have their worldview destroyed.

But if you are ready, if you are strong in the armor of God, do your own research.
You’ll quickly find compelling evidence.

This world is NOT as publicly presented.
In ANY topic.

Turning back to God is the only way out for individuals.

Protecting our children is the only way out for our society.

Everything bad happening in our world is due to the devils in charge.
This is a spiritual war.
A biblical war.
Good vs evil.
God vs the devil.

Which side are you on?
Which side are you helping?

Teaser alert: God wins.

Knowing that, will you snatch your children back from the devils' systems today?

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