Explosive Thoughts

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By Mike Johnson

It’s a medical fact that the bioweapon covid injections include lipid nano-particles that are filled with nasty ingredients.
These micro-particles are a sort of plastic wrap that covers the nastiness inside until it later opens.
Sudden deaths, excess deaths (beyond the historical norm) and medical maladies have exploded higher everywhere after the vax was launched.
It’s been proven that certain frequencies, directed at the nano-particles, can also make them open and release their payload.

It turns out that the specific frequencies can be emitted by 5G cell towers.
The released payloads include graphene oxide, a sliver of metal that will be super-heated by the correct frequency, burning holes randomly throughout arteries, organs and brain.
Other payloads include Marburg virus, turbo cancers and exotic diseases.

Remember the thousands of pocket pagers that suddenly exploded in Lebanon?
They’d somehow been weaponized to become time-bombs that could be exploded from afar, by some nefarious actor.
Some say explosive powder was added during the battery manufacture.
Others suspect no powder was needed, they were exploded by a pulse of frequency.

The covid vaccines are that same time-bomb.

Now do you see why cabal leaders pushed the injections on the populace so aggressively and desperately?

The injections were clearly labeled as “experimental” but were still MANDATED to the military, law enforcement, government employees, healthcare workers, the hospitalized, nursing homes, college students, travelers, sports teams and their fans, concert attendees and millions of employees.

Never in my 60+ years had I seen the government leaders push anything so hard.
It was like their eternal soul depended upon them hitting some quota that was established by the devil himself.

Now, as the federal government keeps revealing the depth of its evil, if enough people wake up and decide to revolt, the devils in charge can just activate 5G towers to make the “insurrectionists” drop dead.

These devils knew the evil they planned, so they put a bomb inside the bodies of 70% of the population.

If you took the shot(s) you’re screwed.

You trusted the wrong people.

You failed to use your own God-given discernment.

Worse, the shots never stopped transmission, reduced symptoms, or prevented hospitalization and death.
It was a total failure and a total scam from the beginning.
"Covid" was only launched as a fake reason to scare, nudge and force people to take the time-bomb injections.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” – Hosea 4:6

You're destroyed unless you get that time-bomb out of your body immediately.

Fortunately, there are ways to do that.
But it requires your own research.
Mainstream media or authority will never tell you.
Those fuckers still recommend taking more of the bioweapon shots!

Explore the links below to find alternatives to spontaneous explosion, sudden death, turbo cancer or exotic disease.

But the devils did not just attack some random 70% of the populace.
They attacked the people who would be most skilled to attack them back.
The military.
The police.

And the people they owe the most benefits.
The elderly.

And the people who run our institutions and businesses.
The general workforce. (Vax-caused injuries and deaths are why there are labor shortages everywhere)

And the people we will need the most to treat the injuries of their attacks.
First responders and healthcare workers.

Evil always gets a head start because it plays offense.
It knows what play it will run in advance.

Good is always behind because it only reacts after evil launches a play.
Good is always on defense.

Fortunately, good has God and God beats the devil.

We are in a war but only one side is attacking.

Our cabal-owned federal government and cabal-owned mainstream media keeps us confused and divided with lies and misinformation.
This freezes us from defending ourselves, keeping a “peaceful battlefield.”

Once you realize the devil’s cabal is attacking us with bioweapons, hurricanes, third-world migrant savages, inflation, aerial spraying, poison food, weaponized justice system, stolen elections, trumped-up wars and general tyranny, you gain clarity.
With clarity, your behavior changes.

You stop obeying, complying, funding and cooperating with murderers disguised as “experts,” and “authorities.”

You start questioning your “healthcare,” your “news,” your “education,” your “financial advisor” your elected “leaders.”

You slash your spending at cell phone companies, cable TV, Google, Amazon and every other company that assists and enables the devil’s cabal.

You peacefully fight back!

Now consider all the military-aged migrants who have entered the country.
It's in the millions.

The feds plan on arming them and/or offering them positions in the US military in exchange for citizenship.
Migrants are more likely than Americans to fire on their own citizens.
It would still take quite a bit to overcome the 100 million+ armed American households.
But it would take much less if 70% of those Americans died from the injection time-bombs.

The devils running our federal government are in a live-or-die situation.
They've already committed massive crimes against humanity.
If they lose power, they know they will be exposed, jailed and/or executed.
So they have no rules. No restraints. No morality.
To them, this is a war they MUST win.

They have the advantage because the majority of Americans still don't realize they are under attack, let alone who is attacking them.

Desperate to survive, the devil's cabal will launch an increasing cascade of calamity on as many Americans as possible.
Like these two recent hurricanes they created, strengthened and steered to maximize damage and death.
I'd also watch for an earthquake on the west coast, a new pandemic, a massive Internet "hack," a nuked American city (blamed on someone else) and/or a financial collapse too.

If Donald Trump is truly an outsider who threatens their power, they will never let him take office.
If he does make it into office, that means he's either a controlled member of the cabal himself, or God stepped in with divine intervention.

This is what we're up against.
This is why it's so important to educate yourself, prepare for adversity and get right with God.

Divine intervention is always a possibility.
It sure looks like we're going to need it.

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Sources to Detox the Bioweapon Injections

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: The Premier Doctor to Detox Covid Shots

Dr Peter McCullough, Most Published, Credentialed Doctor in USA Says NO ONE Should EVER Take a Covid Shot

Steve Kirsch: Want Health? Never Take ANY Vaccine



Proof there is a global cabal in this free 60-minute documentary: Monopoly: Who Owns the World? (Teaser: the same people who own leaders and mainstream media own the vaccine companies)

Devil's Cabal Predicts 240 Million Americans DEAD Within 14 Months

Dr. Peter McCullough: Next Scam is Lab-Created Bird Flu

Video: Pfizer Insider Reveals Covid Vax is Time-Bomb Activated By 5G

Studies: No Excess Deaths Due to Covid, Millions Killed By Covid VAX

Feed Yourself, Starve the Beast

Feds Abandon North Carolina

Funny Parody: Ask Your Doctor if Abrain is Right for You

Christ vs the Devil


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