Once a News Man...

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By Mike Johnson

Truth has a thermostat.

Local, regional and national news organizations have locked this thermostat to maintain a generic range.
Generic to provide a bandwidth of “news” that is acceptable, comfortable and within the conventional wisdom of the status quo.

This means you don’t get articles that rock the boat.
There's a market for comfortable journalism.
But it never shares the most important topics.
The topics that drastically affect your life, in mostly negative ways, until you learn better workarounds.

Covid was the perfect life-and-death example.
No mainstream media told you there were numerous cheap, over-the-counter cures.
No mainstream media told you how to strengthen your own immune system.
That masks cannot stop a tiny virus and that masks actually harm the wearer in more than 300 ways.
That the covid shots were “experimental” which requires everyone (by international law) to be fully educated about their many perils BEFORE administered.

Then, as the horrible effects of the "vaccines" started being reporting, no mainstream media warned about those either.
15+ million died due to the bioweapon injections, 60+ million were permanently disabled and billions were injured.
The carnage continues today and mainstream media STILL recommends taking those poisonous shots.
Your local, regional and national media will not publish or broadcast information that challenges the deadly narrative.

Local, state, and federal health agencies, hospitals and big pharma sent them billions, by way of advertising, which was a huge financial windfall.
This occurred in the Cody and Powell community media too.

Anyway, it drives me crazy because their silence HARMS people.
I’ve invested over 3,000 hours researching all things covid, collecting overwhelming evidence of the purposeful, premeditated, mass population kill-off.

From 2005 to 2012 I ran EverythingCody.com and MikesNewsNet.com.
These sites shared the best, non-mainstream stories from all the deepest rabbit holes.
These websites listed the links to the most insightful articles found on the best non-mainstream sites.
Over the seven years, I linked over 200,000 articles.
Which means I read those articles myself.

It was exhilerating and enlightening and exhausting and eventually, more time and negativity than I could handle.
So I stopped publicly publishing those sites.
As a hard-wired communicator, this was difficult.

I’ve delivered newspapers, written for newspapers and owned newspapers.
I’ve freelanced for business and inspirational markets.
Since 1991, I’ve sold over two million words in thousands of articles.
I've written millions of other words for free.
I'm a writer, that's what I am.

But as a separate genre, once a news man, always a news man.
So when I write important articles here on my own website, I can’t resist adding links at the bottom that provide additional, deeper information.
When the articles are REALLY important, I never stop adding links.

Specifically, here are some of my articles you can return to regularly to get fresh, important new links:

“Nukes May Fly This Week.” #998. Links reporting WW3 activity and news.
“Explosive Thoughts.” #963. Links regarding covid, pandemic and bioweapon vax news.
“Just One Fraudulent Vote Negates YOUR Vote.” #973. Links regarding election fraud news.
“They’re Submarining You.” #698. Links regarding financial collapse news.
"Feds Abandon North Carolina." #957. Links regarding the hurricane calamities.
"Bitcoin $100,000." #1014. Links regarding the latest Bitcoin scam news.
"This Explains Everything." #953. Links regarding the cabal-owned mainstream media's massive lies, false reality & purposeful destruction of America.
"Why is the Sky Blue?" #461. Links regarding flat earth news.

I know there are more that I regularly update.
As I come upon them, I will update this list here.
So check back here too.

I don’t want the burden and responsibility of reporting ALL the important news, like I did during 2005-2012.
But I never stopped researching multiple-hours every day since retiring those daily websites.
I just used the information to build my own best life.

But I'm always itching to share.
Adding links here, to articles I’m already writing, is a good compromise.
Some of the links go to my own prior articles, but many more take you to outside sources I’ve found during my daily research.

I also post memes because each batch provides more insight, entertainment and news than 50 of my normal posts.

These are ways to add more value to you, while giving me more ways to share.
I’m doing the research anyway.
It’s just impossible to share it all.

So I do the best I can, with the most critical subjects.
Which is far more than mainstream media ever bites off.

As always, I recommend that you do your own non-mainstream research, in your own most-compelling topics of interest.

You’ll soon realize that becoming your own expert is a thousand times better than obeying the knuckleheads that mainstream media picks as “experts.”

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By Mike: This Explains Everything

By Mike: Gullible Group Still Trusts Media

By Mike: Explosive Thoughts

By Mike: "Leaders"

By Mike: The Knowledge Scale


Back to Mike's Warm, Wealthy Wisdoms

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