Claim It & Demand It

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By Mike Johnson

Want a better life?

Just quit having a worse life.

You can walk away from anything.
Or anyone.

Physically removing yourself from intolerable situations creates immediate change.
Yes, it’s messy, scary and might make things temporarily worse.

But aren’t you sick of groveling to make your misery more comfortable?
Why not use the same energy to eliminate the misery altogether?

You can immediately quit any job.
Stop paying any bill.
Leave any person.

This is all within your lawful rights.
No one can stop you.

You just have to deal with the consequences and rebuild your world in the image you desire.


You can do it in an elegant and permanent way.
Change the way you think about your situation.

If you mentally detach from your thoughts, you’re free to select which ones you embrace.
This puts you in control of everything.
Your feelings.
Your actions.
Your circumstances.

It’s an amazing gift that you can quietly, internally, powerfully, immediately revolt against anything less than your ideal life.
Just make a new decision and you’re on your way to a new outcome.

Yes, there are a million other details involved.
But the decision to change, forces all those details to start lining up in your favor.

You’re capable of much more.
You’re worthy of much more.
The REAL you is already much more.

Just claim it and demand it.

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That Voice in Your Head

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