Personal Secession

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By Mike Johnson

Large organizations are the bane of joyful, righteous living.

Large employers are famous for ridiculous policies, slave wages and sudden job eliminations.
Large churches are famous for inner turmoil, misappropriation of funds and infidelity.
Large investment houses are famous for bad advice, financial flim-flam and excessive fees.

The behemoth of largeness – government – is the worst of them all.

Their callous actions and inactions in North Carolina show us exactly what they think of citizens.
We're cattle and they're devils.

You can’t enlighten them.
You can’t fix them.
You can’t stop their misbehavior.

But you can quit them.

I don’t write here to save them.
They're a lost cause.

I write here to save YOU.

I strongly suggest that you personally secede from them all.

It would be great to get entire states to secede from the union.
This would be one of the few peaceful ways to starve the federal government.

But the devil’s cabal owns the state governors.
I believe they own ALL state governors.
I hope there are still many honest state legislators, but I know there are lots of dirty ones.

So state-level secession will not be allowed.

It might also stay peaceful if local police would ignore cabal-owned state and federal leaders and side with the people.
Some will.
But most won’t.

The orders from dirty leaders to local enforcers will get increasingly unlawful and tyrannical.
Most enforcers are going to obey, abuse citizens, and lose their souls.
If they do obey, they deserve eternal damnation.

This puts your life, your security and your family’s welfare all on you.

The more large organizations you can exit, the better your life will become.

Free of their hootenanny, you discern better decisions for your own needs.

YOU are your own best expert.

But not until you claim it.
Demand it.
Live it.

Secede from insanity and blaze your own rational, righteous and joyful trail.

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