Why Your Drive is Warped

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By Mike Johnson

Study anything via non-mainstream sources for ten hours and you’re smarter than 75% of the world.
Study it for 100 hours and you’re smarter than 90%.

Being smarter than most is nothing to brag about.
It’s too easy to achieve.

The real value is clarity.
With clarity about a topic, you make better decisions.

Better decisions, better life.

The smartest people in every room are the people who self-research outside mainstream sources.

Those filled with mainstream and authority's sources know nothing about anything because it is all wrong and all deception.

The devil’s cabal runs all major earth systems in ways that hold down humanity.
They see you as cattle, not human beings.
They also see that you are easy to fool, manipulate and control.

Over the centuries, they have used unlimited resources to build an enormous infrastructure of deception to pull this off.

Learning HOW they do this makes a fascinating study topic.
Learning WHY they do this is a very dark rabbit hole that leads to ugly places but ultimately ends with a simple conclusion.

Life on earth is a battle between God and the devil.

Once you realize this, your decisions become very obvious and very easy.
It's effortless to choose sides and easy to identify and reject actions, activities, individuals and organizations that hold you down.

For starters, your achievements regarding education, relationships, geography, career, money, health, purpose and peace-of-mind, quickly grow spectacularly larger.

This is the power of clarity.

The devil has been holding you down with lies, omission, deception, bias and confusion since your very birth.
If you still believe your education, mainstream media, authority and conventional wisdom, the farce is strong in you.
Your life is but a fraction of what it could be.

Embrace self-research and you'll quickly drop your false life.
Clarity increases, making it easy to recognize the real McCoy.

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The Knowledge Scale

How To Get Started

Devils Fear Clarity

An Easy Nudge

The Truman Show

Christ vs the Devil


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