The REAL Enemy

Meme freely shared on Internet

By Mike Johnson

Lab-created pandemics.
Bioweapon injections.
Importing millions of illegal aliens.
Massive price inflation.
Stolen elections.
Instigating world war.
Instigating civil war.
Plundering the treasury.
Militarizing local police.
Spraying poison in the skies.
Manufacturing poisoned food.
Child trafficking, child mutilation and child sacrifice to devils.
Wicked weather creation and manipulation.
Lying, divisive media.

The federal government is run by a cabal of devils who are purposely trying to kill us all.

Any other explanation for their actions is just ignorance, apathy and gullible thinking.

State leaders are enabling it.
Local leaders say nothing about it.

No one on earth is going to “save us.”

It’s all on YOU.

Once you truly get your head around this, your behavior changes.

You start to peacefully fight back by speaking out, withholding your consent and starving the beast.

If you’re in a position of authority and still silently go-along-to-get-along, YOU ARE ASSISTING THE DEVIL.

Make peace with that.

Those of us with critical thinking and God's discernment, see exactly who and what you are.

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Personally Liable


Explosive Thoughts

Trump Will Not Save Us

Feed Yourself, Starve the Beast

Government is Nothing

Devils Fear Clarity

Christ vs the Devil


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