By Mike Johnson
Calamities have been cascading slowly for decades.
But their speed greatly increased in early 2020 with the launch of the government-created Covid-19 and Department of Defense-created bioweapon Covid injections.
It turns out the “pandemic” was just a terror tactic to get billions to accept the poisonous shots.
Any rational, researched study lands at one conclusion: devils run this world and they are openly murdering us.
They are killing us with needles because if they used guns, we’d fight back.
But needles are not their only weapon.
We are being attacked and destroyed intellectually, financially, nutritionally, spiritually, morally, mentally, by weather, by war, by crime, by weaponized government, by third-world invaders, by infertility,
by 5G, by chemtrails, by lies, fake news, fake history and fake “leaders.”
Take a look at these 44 crazy statistics from 2024 that prove my point.
Despite all these direct attacks upon ourselves and everyone we love, we are doing nothing to fight back.
The devils attacking us keep us confused and distracted, which maintains a “peaceful battlefield.”
I’ve been studying perplexing rabbit holes for decades.
I can tell you after tens of thousands of hours of research that they all lead back to a battle between God and the devil.
Good vs evil.
The devil and his princes run this planet.
We arrive at birth with an empty head and the devil fills it with deception.
EVERYTHING we’re taught is a lie.
From where we live, to world history, to how we earn income to survive, to who we really are, it’s all a massive deception.
Distraction keeps us from studying anything deeply.
If we studied God as deeply as we studied sports, or cell phones, or politics, or money, we’d notice the devil’s matrix.
Distraction keeps a peaceful battlefield.
The devil loves that.
It makes us sitting ducks.
We're clueless.
The devil is shooting fish in a barrel.
This is not going to end peacefully because the devil’s attacks – through the people running our governments and “authority” – are already violently attacking us.
It’s us or them.
They started it.
Because the devil hates God’s creation.
The weak leaders who obey the devil are doomed.
They traded their soul for earthly wealth and power.
They chose badly and will receive their full measure of justice.
I smile at that.
For the rest of us, if you know God and his son, you gain eternal life.
So earthly death is no big loss.
But even so, I’d like to play the game here to the best of my ability, as long as I can.
I want to live a life worthy of talking about on the other side.
When you realize that the people in suits, on national TV, are purposely killing us under the devil’s orders, it changes your behavior.
You step into the armor of God and speak out, remove your consent, and peacefully starve the beast by changing your spending and attention habits.
But this only happens if you stop falling for distractions and start falling for God.
Scientific Proof Our Air, Food & Vaccines All Poisoned by Devils to Destroy God's Creation
Devil's Cabal Openly Says 240 Million Americans Will Die in 2025
Feed Yourself, Starve the Beast
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