Mike Johnson: Writer, Researcher, Revenue Wrangler, Recluse, Retired!
Social Distancing Since 1957
This World is NOT as Publicly Presented!
Your life is only as good as your information. Mike connects you to better information.
Over 1,000 FREE inspiring, enriching, entertaining and enlightening posts and how-to articles!
Mike Johnson is a writer, researcher, entrepreneur and
deer whisperer. He learned how to retire early
and freely shows others how to escape the work schedule too. There's more to life than work and there's more
to life than play. In the immortal words of Forrest Gump, "Maybe both can be happening at the same time."
A versatile, seasoned writer, Mike has sold over two million words since 1991. His work has
appeared regularly in business publications, newsletters, consumer and trade magazines, web sites, newspapers, books
and radio. Mike & his wife Margie have started, purchased and sold multiple businesses, including newspapers, trailer parks and the creation of Cody Trolley Tours and
EverythingCody.com . Mike is one of those rare writers with more than 40
years of first-hand business management experience with both
corporations and his own businesses. Legal Disclaimer
Want Quick, Inspiring Wisdom? JeansAndaDog.com: Mike's 1,065 FREE Warm Wealthy
Wisdoms (My Current & Newest Work. New Posts Added Frequently)
Want to Retire Early? Mike's 43 Best Passive Income Articles (FREE) (Find Mike's FREE "Million Dollar Letter" Here!)
Want Quick Inspiration? Mike's 103 FREE Inspirational Columns "Consider
Want Extra Money TODAY?
Mike's FREE double ebook "43 Ways to Earn Cash TODAY & 44 Ways to Earn Cash TOMORROW"
Want to Give Better Customer Service? Mike's FREE Popular Customer Service
"101 Ways to Provide Exceptional Customer Service Today"
Mike writes from his mountain cabin
near Yellowstone National Park
"Mike, it's a pleasure working with you. You are both an excellent
creative writer and a professional businessperson - a great combination!"
- Mary Helen Hilton
AccuData America

Here in Wyoming, "Log-on" carries a whole different meaning
"We're just thankful that we found you. We're trying to find some writers
for our other publications and we're saying,"We need another Mike Johnson."
They're so hard to find, I'll tell you."
- Robi Miller
Clement Communications, Inc

Mesmerizing another client
Business Writing Samples:
- Some of Mike's Advertising Agency Work:
"Our client is absolutely thrilled with the piece you wrote
for the Blue Chip Nomination. Thanks so much for your help!"
- Jacylyn Diaz Syfu
Public Relations Systems Manager
Advertising Agency RMR & Associates, Inc.
"I think you did a great job with the book, Mike.
You did a great job of researching and writing and everyone
who has seen it says it looks wonderful. It should do real well."
- Chris Murray
Soundview Executive Book Summaries

Mesmerizing EVERY client
- Some of Mike's Other Work:
"This is an outstanding letter. You're a natural copywriter."
- N. Harper
American Writers & Artist's Institute
Michael Masterson's Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting

Mike also gained inspiration from buying, rehabbing, working and selling his Minnesota hobby farm.
Money DOES grow on trees -- it's called Food (and income property)
"Mike, I think your article turned out great!
And thank you for answering
visitor questions."
- J.P. Vaughan
Creative Real Estate Online
Want to Retire Early?
Mike Used Income Property to Retire Early & You Can Too!
"I labored for decades to get off the employment wheel. I made
it much harder than it needed to be by trading my time to work for money. Once I
started buying income property, money started working for ME. Soon, the passive
income I was earning from my properties exceeded my monthly bills, which allowed me to "retire." Now my time is
totally mine to control. Had I learned these skills earlier, I'd have been able to retire by age 25
instead of age 52. I've been blessed so I want to share. I hope my advice below can help you escape
the employment wheel far earlier than I did." - Mike Johnson
P.S. I'm self-taught so you can do this too! Everything you need to learn is on the Internet, in a book or
in the mind of someone who has already succeeded. Read! Ask! Take action!
Here is the Most Important Lesson to Learn
Are You Using Good Debt or Bad Debt?
Good debt allows you to borrow fixed-rate money to buy assets (businesses or income properties)
that pay for themselves, a manager to run them & all your personal bills too,
giving you financial
& time freedom.
Bad debt allows you to buy liabilities (houses, cars, toys) that don't generate income
& force you to go out into the world to trade time for money to repay that debt,
trapping you in the
world of employment & work schedules.
Knowing the difference between the two determines a life of freedom or a life of slavery.
- When You Can't Bear Your Job, Read This
- The Case For Living Tomorrows Today
- Why Hard Work is a Big Mistake
- The Day We Nearly Bought The Field of Dreams
- The Lost Wallet Stuffed With Cash
- Why I Keep 16 Quarters on My Desk
- Love Your Kids? Make Them Work
- How I Turned a Folding Chair Into
$315,000 $500,000
- How Deep is Your Mine?
- How to Escape the Rat Race
- What Happens When Your Spacesuit Breaks?
- What If We Know Before We Arrive?
- The Job Trap is Baited With Peanuts
- Income Property Saves Decades
- How We Turned a Broken Coffee Machine Into Millions
- Contrarians Retire Far Earlier
- What I Learned Batting Against a Hall-of-Famer
- How to Print Time From Thin Air
- It's Now Impossible to Save/Invest Your Way to Retirement
- Mike's Musical Money Manifesto
- The Most Spectacular Investment on Earth
- Why Isn't Your Financial Planner Retired?
- Start Small: How These Snacks Created a Wealth Feast
- How Saying No Led to Yes
- What's On The Cover Of Your Life?
- Mike on Video! Interviewed by Curt Mercadante
About "Amassing Wealth in Today's Crazy World"
- Mike on Video! Interviewed by Curt Mercadante About "21 Ways to Improve Your Life" & "How I Turned a Folding Chair Into $500,000"
- Mike Interviewed by Curt Mercadante, "The
Freedom Lifestyle" How To Turn Every Day Into a Perpetual Saturday
- Mike Interviewed by Jeff Ikler & Kristen
Richert, "Getting Unstuck"
- Mike Interviewed by Jefferson Lilly,
"Investing in Mobile Home Parks"
- How to Retire THIS Year Using
Real Estate
- Your Best Retirement Plan: One
Good Property
- The Amazing Power of
Income Property Math
- Skip College & Jobs, Retire Early Instead
Mobile Home Investing Trumps Single Family Homes
How to Find Profitable Mobile Home Parks
How to Buy Mobile Home Parks Without Banks
Lonnie Scruggs Books: Best Mobile Home Investment Training
87 OTHER Ways to Break Free From Employment
If You Must Stay Employed, Here's How to Get The Most From It
- Writing is a Super Power
- The Many Ways to Earn Income Besides Jobs
Break Some Rules and Escape Employment Forever
Persuasive Writing is the Asset That Feeds Forever
One Good Client Can Rock Your World
- Without Sales, Are You Really a Writer?
- My Freelance Writing Adventure
- Writeous Letters
- Write Naked
- Gentle vs Direct
- Write Your Best Life
- Proof From Old Grand Dad
- Writing For Money
- Connect Your Words & Work To a System
- Mike's Inspirational Talk "How to Write Your Best Life"
(Presented at Park County, WY Library Winter Book Fair (Jan 25, 2025)
My childhood buddy & I promised that if one of us became wealthy, he'd show the other how he did it.
My "Million Dollar Letter" is my fulfillment of that promise.
It took a full week to write the 32-page letter & a lifetime to learn the content that I shared with my buddy.
I've since shared the letter with my family & people I'm mentoring.
When you find a way to escape the rat race & retire early,
you not only want to share it with the people you love, you want to
share it with everyone!
Hundreds of people have purchased this letter, paying up to $97. Now that I've fully retired,
I give the letter away FREE OF CHARGE: Read Mike's Million Dollar Letter Here
If you found all this free information helpful, please share this website with your friends and family.
When you attain the success you desire, please pay it forward by sharing your free advice to the next crop of up & comers.
Mike Johnson
P.O. Box 287 Wapiti, Wyoming 82450
Voice: 307-587-2331
Email: mj17@vcn.com